ARFF by Silas

ARFF by Silas

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Today Robin Sticka taught infant CPR to my two health classes. It was interesting to watch the level of engagement in each of the classes. One class was very engaged, and one mostly wasn't. I'm curious if it is a difference in grade level, and if so, what's different between 7th and 8th graders developmentally, and how should we adapt our teaching to account for those differences? Robin taught them how to breathe into the mannequins and gave them the opportunity to practice. One 8th grader attempted the breathing while eight 7th graders did. There were some giggles, and some discomfort, but when I saw how committed the 7th graders were to "saving" the mannequin babies, I thought I would feel pretty comfortable leaving a child in their care. Robin did a great job teaching both classes adult, child, and infant CPR and now we have 25 more students with the skills to potentially save the life of someone in our community.

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