ARFF by Silas

ARFF by Silas

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving in Seattle

Achievement: We were invited to the Hunt's home for the annual family feast. Shortly after arriving I wandered into the kitchen and asked if I could do something to help. The ladies all looked at me and with hope in their voices said, "Can you make gravy!?"
Well, I said I'd give it a try and with a pan full of drippings and a bit of flour/water thickener I made enough tasty gravy for 25 people and enough for left over hot turkey sandwiches. YUM!

Respect: Showing up unexpectedly and being greeted with open arms.

Fun: Morning walks to Starbucks in the Pacific Northwest rain.

Freedom: 20 hours in the car to read, knit, listen to tunes, and see the sites!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

ARFF Surprise

For years I did NOT want to be in charge of student schedules. But I've been working on schedules all week and realize that is totally ARFF filling.

Achievement: Tons of work but I love it when its all done and it works for everybody.
Respect: Students see me as a resource, and don't panic when I call them out of class to work on their schedule.
Fun: It's like a puzzle.
Freedom: I get to help students make good choices.

So next week, when my desk is covered in paperwork and sticky notes and it's getting close to the deadline and I'm pulling my hair out in frustration, I will read this post and be glad I get to do schedules!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Universal agreements

Our MBI teams have agreed on four universal rules for behavior k-12. That seems like a big accomplishment to me. I like them and I think they will be fun to teach.
They are:
Be responsible
Be respectful
Be safe
Be a learner

Thursday, November 3, 2011

My ARFF today

Helped a student learn to spell four words and use those four words to spell even more words.
Enjoyed a nice long conversation with a student after school.
Played a silly game with 5th grade girls.
Went for a walk/run through the woods and fallen leaves.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

more lessons from yoga

Mr. Paulson and Mrs. Ahnert prove you're never too old for yoga!