ARFF by Silas

ARFF by Silas

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Post Workshop Reflection

The High Trust workshop was fabulous! Filled with ARFF. Challenging and inspiring as always. Thursday night, Friday night, all day Saturday, all day Sunday, and parent night Monday. 
I thought I was doing beautifully as I had paced myself all weekend, even taking time off to go to church and breakfast with Steve Sunday morning. 
Then last night I heard myself yell, “No! I am NOT making mango salsa!” 
It took me a while to realize how ridiculous that sounded, especially as it was in response to Steve's kind offer to pick up fresh mangoes on his way home from work. But this morning, as I grudgingly climbed out of bed, it hit me. I just need a week of sleep. 

So, I’m adding one more R for our fifth basic need……

Achievement, Respect, Fun, Freedom, and....