ARFF by Silas

ARFF by Silas

Friday, May 23, 2014

"What Do You Do in There"?

I've heard kids ask that question to the students who have regular meetings with me in my office. Maybe some big people want to know what goes on in a counseling office too. If you're curious, read on. Here are some things we "did in there" this week:

Made necklaces
Danced to Mozart
Brainstormed a list of things to do if you're mad (that won't hurt anybody)
Drew silly pictures
Talked about appropriate/inappropriate behavior at school
Played Legos
Worked a puzzle on iPad
Practiced being a good friend
Played Totika
Recited the pledge of Allegiance
Reported inappropriate behavior
Played the Heart Game
Problem solved friendship/family issues
Finished class work
Named the things we are grateful for
Played The Egg Game
Nominated teachers for the Peach Prize
Group juggled with 5 balls
Ate lunch
Invented a way to play Chinese checkers that involves tiny marbles in every corner of the office.
Shared highs and lows
Played puppets
Worked with clay
Calmed down
Practiced love and respect, achievement, fun, and freedom.

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