ARFF by Silas

ARFF by Silas

Thursday, November 17, 2011

ARFF Surprise

For years I did NOT want to be in charge of student schedules. But I've been working on schedules all week and realize that is totally ARFF filling.

Achievement: Tons of work but I love it when its all done and it works for everybody.
Respect: Students see me as a resource, and don't panic when I call them out of class to work on their schedule.
Fun: It's like a puzzle.
Freedom: I get to help students make good choices.

So next week, when my desk is covered in paperwork and sticky notes and it's getting close to the deadline and I'm pulling my hair out in frustration, I will read this post and be glad I get to do schedules!


  1. Hi Mary - Jessica mentioned your blog to me so I came for a visit and this is just what I need to hear today. This has been such a busy fall at school and I have not taken time to stop and count the blessings each day. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. I need constant reminding of ARFF since I'm so far away from you all. If I use it, it always helps remind me how many great things come my way. And also reminds me how much worse I could have it, which sad to say, is often the better motivator. How unarff is that!!
