It has been sunny and COLD and I love it. Some of the best memories of my life were on sub zero days, so when the temperature drops I get nostalgic. I'm going to sound like an old-timer remembering days gone by but I guess I am!
I was in 5th grade and my teacher was Mr. Gilbertson. He was one of those teachers that can inspire a person for life. We worked hard in his class, but we played hard as well ( singing, square dancing, bombardment games, newspaper drives, and field trips).
One Saturday during mid-winter he invited his students to spend the day bird watching at Fort Snelling State Park. About ten of us signed up to go and we were given instructions to dress warm and pack a lunch as we would be outside all day.
Saturday morning arrived and the temperatures had dropped overnight. The high for the day was expected to be 10 degrees below zero. Mr G. called each of our parents and said that with their permission he would still be willing to take us out for the day. He had one requirement for us... NO COMPLAINING AOBUT THE COLD! All ten us of agreed and we bundled up in our wool jackets and pac boots and took off into the sub zero temps.
I remember the day, a beautiful blue sky, crisp cold, and lots of winter birds including a piliated woodpecker. I remember being amazed at how hot we got hiking in the snow, and I remember feeling proud that I could "tough it out". I learned that day how to be prepared for cold weather. To cover your ears, dress in layers, stay hydrated with water, not snow, and hike with a buddy.
I used all those winter skills when I moved to Alaska and have many many more great memories of sub zero fun from those days. So when recess closes down due to cold temperatures, I just want to say, "Bundle Up! Take the Kids outside! Let them learn how good and empowering it feels to weather the cold!" It's a good life lesson to learn to dress for the weather, and what better way to learn than feeling the cold on your face and in your hands and feet.
Thank you Mr. G. for taking a risk and letting us experience the joys of winter.
I love this story Mary! It's great to remember that winter is not just something to get through, that it can be fantastic and empowering too! I had a 'nostalgic for winter' moment the other day that really surprised me (as I usually am pretty anxious for summer to get here) but good to remember to enjoy the present, and the cold. thanks for sharing.