ARFF by Silas

ARFF by Silas

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Bigfork Kids Are The Best Ever

Who would like to help with the littles in the lunchroom? 10 hands go up.
Who would like to help with a special needs kinder? 8 hands go up.
Who would be willing to teach playground safety? They all do.
I forget to bring paper to make posters and a student offers to get some from the office for us.
I'd like a volunteer to put the paper in recycling. They all pitch in.
These 7th and 8th graders are hard workers, positive, and helpful. We are off to a great start!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Best Day of the Year

I started kindergarten in 1960. I did the math and this is my 50th first day of school. And I'm just as excited about this one as my very first. No matter how old you are, or if you are a teacher or a student, every year is a chance for a fresh start. And new outfits. And fresh school supplies. And new friends. And old friends. And....
....What is your favorite thing about the first day of school?

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Post Workshop Reflection

The High Trust workshop was fabulous! Filled with ARFF. Challenging and inspiring as always. Thursday night, Friday night, all day Saturday, all day Sunday, and parent night Monday. 
I thought I was doing beautifully as I had paced myself all weekend, even taking time off to go to church and breakfast with Steve Sunday morning. 
Then last night I heard myself yell, “No! I am NOT making mango salsa!” 
It took me a while to realize how ridiculous that sounded, especially as it was in response to Steve's kind offer to pick up fresh mangoes on his way home from work. But this morning, as I grudgingly climbed out of bed, it hit me. I just need a week of sleep. 

So, I’m adding one more R for our fifth basic need……

Achievement, Respect, Fun, Freedom, and....

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Nickel Charlies in Bigfork

Mrs. Kelly's class brought ARFF to our school today by opening up a Nickel Charlies restaurant in their classroom. Last week they researched how to operate a restaurant, and since then they have been busy developing the menu, making paper food, paper money, training waitstaff, and setting up a hostess station and a cashier booth.

Their hard work paid off. Students and staff were invited to dine today.  I was able to take a short break today and "eat" with our principal, Mrs. Clarke. The service was excellent and the food was tasty. I highly recommend Nickel Charlies in Bigfork for your ARFFing pleasure.

Here's the entrance to the restaurant:

Mrs. Clarke paying her bill at the cashier station:

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Snowman ARFF

Snowmen are total ARFF!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Vehicle Repairs

Achievement: My motor home was totaled in a wreck today and I repaired it completely on my own!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Anxiety Link

This time of year anxiety appears to be an issue for both parents and kids. To pinpoint the source of the anxiety in either adults or kids, we do a quick ARFF check. What is missing? Achievement? Respect? Fun? Freedom? It's usually pretty obvious, and then we can quickly find a solution. Guess which one it usually is.....

Fun! (That's when the Legos appear to be magic!)

How's your ARFF?

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Lego Therapy

Some of the best conversations happen while we are lego-ing.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Do you have kids that blurt?

Then this is the book for you!

Julia Cook has written some ARFF-filled books that teach important lessons for elementary age students. I read this one to first, second, and third graders and they were spell-bound throughout the reading, and totally got the message. "My Mouth is a Volcano" is the story of Louis who has a habit of blurting out at inappropriate times. His mom teaches him to bite down on his words before they leave his mouth...and it works!

I wish I had read this book when I was in third grade. It might have kept me from staying after school and having to write, "I will not talk out of turn" ONE HUNDRED TIMES! Yes. I really had to do that.

Monday, January 4, 2016

New Year ARFF

Achievement: Eased into the first day after break mostly listening to kids' Christmas vacation stories.
Respect: 8:00 a.m. all teachers were standing outside their classrooms greeting students with hugs and happy faces.
Fun: Put the finishing touches on my Lego camper (Christmas gift)
Freedom: Steve and I chose the word "JOY" for our theme for 2016.