ARFF by Silas

ARFF by Silas

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Quote of the Day

Today I walked into my office thinking it was time to rearrange furniture or do something to change it up a bit. I looked at the wicker chair and thought maybe it was time to get rid of it as it takes up a big chunk of space.

Then this afternoon a first grader stopped in for our weekly appointment and he walked right over to the wicker chair and said, "Mrs. Ahnert, I love this chair. You always have the right stuff."
So guess the chair is staying!

Monday, January 27, 2014

More Gratitude

I am thankful for...
Today's walk in the sunshine
4th grade boy's group
My new printer
Middle School snack time...bananas today!
prayers from all over the place
old friends
my sister and brother
encouraging co-workers
Split wood in the wood box
taco supper with Steve
my sons and daughters in law

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Gratitude Lesson Day 2

This is one of the 2nd grader's pictures of what she is thankful for.
"I am thankful for my new baby sister Mila."

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Gratitude Lesson

Today I read "The Happy Owls" by Celestino Pilatti to teach 2nd graders the concept of gratitude. It's a simple story about two owls that are happy, while the discontented barnyard fowl wonder why.

When the peacock asks the owls about their happiness, they answer with, "When spring comes, we are happy to see everything come to life after the long winter sleep...." and they continue to describe the beauty of each season.

The chickens and ducks and geese and peacocks retort, "You call that happiness?" and go on living as before.

"But the owls snuggled still closer to each other, blinked their big round eyes, and went on thinking their wise thoughts."

Since the words gratitude and thankfulness aren't mentioned in the book, I asked the kids what the story had to do with gratitude. It was a difficult question, but a few kids observed that the owls were thankful for nature and each other.

Then I shared a quote that Jennifer Wood found. "Gratitude consists of being more aware of what you have, than what you don't." That seems to be the difference between the happy owls and the discontented barnyard fowl.

We talked about how important it is to be thankful. It makes us feel better, and when we express it to others, it makes them feel better too. Then we finished the lesson with drawing people, places, and things we are grateful for

This is a list of some of the things the 2nd graders are thankful for ( in their spelling):

sumer, witefish, my mom and dad, my bruther, ride a bick, bird, cow, trees, plants
lost vegas, ckickball, sun, grass, snow, home, bigfork, school, football, thrack, soccer, my techers, the forest, spiders, food, dodgeball, tag, P.E. and the erth.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Winter Mental Health Day

Fruit smoothies and recess in the sun!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Viking Ships

One of the skills I learned from Denny years ago is the importance of "tracking positive". On a daily basis, record what we're doing that's good and true. Say it. Write it. Celebrate it. That's what this blog is for me.

Our school's way of tracking positive is Viking Ships. When a teacher notices a student doing a positive thing, they give them a Viking Ship. The student writes their name on it, brings it to me, and I hang it up in the hall. They get the positive interaction with their teacher, a high five from me, and get to see their name up in the hall every day for the rest of the year for doing something good.

Four students brought me Viking Ships today. Yeah! They got them for:

  • being extra helpful
  • supporting a friend
  • volunteering to sweep up trash in the lunchroom
  • helping a fellow student
Thanks to all our teachers who are tracking positive on our kids!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Love and Belonging


I've missed my daily arff posts mostly because it's winter and I'm enjoying taking a break from my regular routine. Lots of reading for pleasure and playing Words With Friends and cooking and baking comfort foods.

But Denny is coming to the Flathead and I've signed up 32 people for the workshop so I am getting pretty energized and ready to start posting again.

So thinking back on the last month, here are some of the highlights:

Love and Belonging- Seth and Jessica home for Christmas
Achievement- Snowshoeing 5 miles with the 8th graders
Fun- Space Team
Freedom- Enjoying a leisurely read through The Hobbit again